Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Definition of Past Tense :
Past tense is to tell the events or incidents at the past time.

Past tense is used :
:: When the speaker thinks of an activity or state as occurred and complete at a specific time in the past .
:: For a non-fact in the present or future  time.This is traditionally called the” subjunctive mood “.
Example : f I had the money now,I’d buy a car .
=) To refer a single event on the past .
Example : I called Mary last night .
=) The past habitual action .
Example : We went to school together,and we shared many experinces .
The Simple Past Tense :
Simple Past Tense is kind of tense which is used to describe an event or action that happened already in a certain time in the past.
Adverbs used: yesterday,last night ,last week,two days ago,a few minutes ago,last weekend ,last month ,last years,in 1984,etc

=) Simple past for regular verbs is added by- ed to the root of a word .
Example : She worked at the office yesterday .
=) A negation is produced by adding did not and the verb in its infinitive form .
Example : She did not work at the office yesterday .
Question sentence are started with did as in Did  she work at the office yesterday ?
There are two pattern of Simple Past Tense :
( + ) Subject + verb II + complement
( -  ) Subject + did not + verb I + complement
( ?  ) Did + subject + verb I ?
( + ) Subject + to be ( was/were ) + Object
( – ) Subject + to be ( was/were ) + Not + Object
( ? ) To be ( was/ were ) + Subject + Object ?
Past Continuonus Tense
Past Continuonus Tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an event or an action which was happening in a certain in the past.
As with the present tense,the continuous aspect that the activity is in progress ,or that it is uncompleted ,at  the specified time.
The Pattern :
( + ) Subject + to be ( was/were ) + verb – ing + complement
(  - ) Subject + was not / were not + verb- ing + complement
( ? ) Was/were + subject + verb-ing + complement ?
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an action or an event that started in a certain time in the past and completed or finished till certain or an event that had happened before the other event or action happened.
The Pattern :
( + ) Subject + had + verb III + complement
( – ) Subject + had not + verb III + complement
( ? ) Had + subject + verb III + complement ?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is like the past perfect tense ,but it  expresses longer actions in the past.
The Pattern :
( + ) Subject + Had + been + verb –ing + complement
( -  ) Subject + Had + not + been + verb-ing + complement
( ? ) Had + subject + been + verb –ing + complement ?


hai friend's New Materi lo
ayooo di baca dulu!

The Definition of Present Tense :

The simple present tense is used to indicate a situation right now at the moment of speaking.
Notes !
  • The simple present says something was true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future.
  • It is used for general statement of fact.
  • The simple present tense is used for habitual or everyday activity.
Nominal sentence
  • S + Tobe + adjective/noun /adverb
  • S + Tobe+ not + adjective /noun/adverb
  • Tobe + S + adjective /noun/ adverb
Example : 
( + )   Dhina is beautiful girl
( – )   Dhina is not beautiful  girl
( ? )   is Dhina beautiful girl?
Verbal sentence
  • S + V1 + or s/es ( he,she,it) + O + Compliment
  • S + do/does + O + Compliment
  • Do/does + S + O + Compliment
Example  : 
( + )   They watch Tv in the living room
( – )    We do not  eat meat
( ? )    Do we eat meat ?


Definition of The Greetings :
Greetings is an act of communication in which human beings (as well as other members of the animal kingdom) intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attantion to, and to suggest a type of relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other .
Greetings can be expressed both avdibly and physically, and often involve a combination of the two. This topic excludes military and ceremonial salutes but includes rituals other then gestures.
=) How do you greet other people ??
:: Good    = Morning, afternoon, evening night .
:: Hello     = Friend, ......(name of someone) .
:: How      = Are you ??
:: Are you getting along ??
:: Are you doing ??
    - Fine, thank's .
    - Pretty good, thank's .
    - Not bad, thank's .
:: How's   = Everything with you ??
:: Like ??
=) How do you introduce yourself ??
:: Lets me introduce my self, my name is ....
:: Hello, I'm ....
:: Hi, I'm.... you can call me ....
:: Hello, my name is ....
=) How do you introduce other people ??
:: I would like to introduce ...
:: I would like you to meet ...
:: Excuse me, let me introduce you a new friend. His name is ...
=) How do you close or end conversation ??
:: Well I should be going now, see you !
:: Well I must be off now. I will talk to you latter !
:: I'm sorry, but I have to go now, It's been nice talking with you. See you latter !
For the example :
Dhina          : Morning, Mrs deby
Mrs. Deby : Morning ,dhina .How are you ?
Dhina          : I’m fine. And Mrs ?
Mrs Deby  : Fine too. Well, I must teach again in classroom .See
you dhina
Dhina          : okay .mrs. See you too . Bye-Bye
Greeting Card 
Greeting card is paper (ussualy is decorated with picture) and applied to Gide congratulation or prays for someone or other people
Utterance card condoles
Felcitation card
Utterance card quikly recovers


menurut gue belajar topik ini yang paling meyenangkan...
coba aje hehehehe XD


=) Simple Straight Sided Shapes
Example :
:: Rectangle (Persegi Panjang) 
:: Square (Persegi)
:: Triangle (Segitiga)
=) Simple Rounded Shapes
Example :
:: Circle (Lingkaran)                                      
:: Oval (Oval/Lonjong)
=) Simple Rounded Shapes
Example :
:: Circle (Lingkaran)
:: Oval (Oval/Lonjong)
=) Types of Triangle
Example :
:: Equilateral Triangle (Segitiga Sama Kaki)
:: Isosceles Triangle (Segitiga Sama Sisi)
:: Rightangled Triangle (Segitiga Siku-Siku)

=) 3D Shapes
Example :
:: Cone (Kerucut)
:: Cube (Kubus)
:: Cylinder (Tabung)
:: Pyramid (Limas)
:: Rectangular (Balok)
:: Prism (Prisma)
:: Sphere (Bola)

=) Mathematical Shapes
Example :
:: Parallelogram (Jajargenjang)
:: Pentagon-5 sides (Segi 5)
::Hexagon-6 sides (Segi 6)
:: Octagen-8 sides (Segi 8)
=) Miscellaneous Shapes
Example :
:: Coffin, Diamond (Belah Ketupat)
:: Heart (Hati)
:: Kite (Layang-layang)
:: Petal, Shell (Kerang/Tiram)
:: Star (Bintang)
:: Teardrop

Part of Body

The Body (Tubuh)
1.Hair → Rambut
2.Head → Kepala
3.Neck → Leher
4.Throat → Tenggorokan
5.Shoulder → Bahu
6.Chest → Dada
7.Back → Punggung
8.Waist → Pinggung
9.Stomach/Tummy → Perut
10.Hip → Pinggul
11.Bottom → Pantat
12.Armpit → Ketiak
13.Arm → Lengan
14.Upper arm → Lengan Atas
15.Elbow → Siku
16.Forearm → Lengan Bawah
17.Wrist → Pergelangan Tangan
18.Fist → Kepalan Tangan
19.Hand → Tanagn
20.Palm → Tapak Tangan
21.Thumb → Ibu Jari
22.Finger → Jari Tangan
23.Nail → Kuku
24.Leg → Kaki
25.Thigh → Paha
26.Knee → Lutut
27.Calf → Betis
28.Ankle → Pergelangan Kaki
29.Foot → Kaki
30.Heel → Tumit
31.Instep → Kura-Kura Kaki
32.Sole → Tapak Kaki
33.Toes → Jari Kaki  

The Skeleton (Rangka Manusia)
1.Skull → Tengkorak
2.Collar-bone → Tulang Selangka
3.Shoulder-blade → Tulang Belikat
4.Ribs → Tulang Rusuk
5.Backbone/Spine → Tulang Belakang / Punggung
6.Breastbone → Tulang dada
7.Hip-bone/Pelvis → Tulang pinggul
8.Kneecap → Tulang Tempurung Kepala 

The Face (Wajah)
1.Eye → Mata
2.Noise → Hidung
3.Ear → Telinga
4.Mouth → Mulut
5.Cheek → Pipi
6.Chin → Dagu
7.Temple → Pelipis
8.Forehead/Brow → Dahi/Kenig
9.Jaw → Rahang
10.Moustache → Kumis
11.Beard → Janggut
12.Tooth → Gigi
13.Lip → Bibir
14.Tongue → Lidah

1.Eyeball → Bola Mata
2.Eyebrow → Alis Mata
3.Eyelid → Kelopak Mata
4.Eyelashes → Bulu Mata
5.Pupil → Manik Mata
6.Iris → Selaput Pelangi

1.Brain → Otak
2.Windpipe → Batang Tenggorokan
3.Heart → Jantung
4.Lung → Paru-Paru
5.Liver → Hati
6.Kidney → Ginjal
7.Intestines → Usus
8.Bladder → Kandung Kemis
9.Vein → Pembuluh Balik
10.Artery → Pembuluh Nadi
11.Muscle → Otot


Guys belajar PRESENT PERFECT TENSE bareng Gue yuk!!!

Definition of Past Perfect Tense :

Past Perfect Tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an action or an event that started in a certain time in the past and completed of the finished certain time in the past too : or past perfect tense is used to Express an Action or an event that had happened before that other event or actionhappened.

Formula of verbal sentence :
(+) S + had + verb 3
(- ) S + had + not + verb 3
(? ) had + S + verb 3

Example :
(+) She had put my book on the table last night .
(- ) She had not put my book on the table last night .
(? ) Had she put my book on the table last night ?

Formula of  Nominal Sentence :
(+) S + had + been + non verb 
(- ) S + had + not + been + non verb
(? ) Had + S + been + non verb

Example :
(+) I had been there when the accident happened .
(- ) I had not been there when the accident happened .
(? ) Had I been there when the accident happened ?

I had        = I'd
You had   = You'd
We had    = We'd
They had  = They'd
He had     = He'd
She had    = She'd
It had        = It'd
Use the present perfect tense when:
=) Something happened in the past, and
=) The result of happening is still there.

1. I have closed the door. (The result; The door is still closed)
2. Dina has gone to Japan. (The result; Dina is still in Japan)

The Affirmative Form
Pattern : S + Auxiliary Verb (Have/Has) + past participle + . . .
1. He has bought a car here. (He has the car)
2. I lived in Japan (I know Japan)

This tense often uses “for” and “since” especially to express the continuing events (peristiwa yg masih berlanjut).
1. I have been here for 15 minutes.
2. I have been here since 9 o’clock
Contraction of ‘s may be confusing sometimes. It can come from the verb be (is) or the auxiliary has. But you can understand it from the context.
The key are:
→ The contraction of ‘s from the auxiliary verb has when it is followed by past participle.
→ The contraction of ‘s from the verb be (is) when it is followed by nouns, adjectives, or V-ing
1. She’s borrowed my book. (auxiliary has)
2. She’s listening to music. (verb be)

The present perfect tense often uses adverb “just, ever, never, and already”, especially to express the speaker’s experiences or new information. (Note: never = not ever)

+ We have just lived in Japan.
- Kenny has not already finished her homework.
? Has Sonny ever eaten quail eggs?


Mari teman kita belajar PREPOSITONAL PHRASE 
buat nambah iLmu yang udah ada

At the minimum , a prepositional phrase will begin with a preposition and end with a noun , pronoun , gerund , or clause , the "object" the object of preposition. The object of preposition will often have one or more modifiers to describe it . These are the patterns for a prepositional phrase :

  • prepostion + noun , pronoun , gerund or clause
  • preposition + modifier(s) + noun , pronoun , gerund or clause
    A prepositional phrase will function as an adjective or adverb . As an adjective, the prepositional phrase will answer the question Which one ?
As an adverb, a prepositional phrase will answer questions wuch as How ? When ? or Where ?
    Sometimes a noun within the prepositional phrase seems the logical subject of a verb. Don't fall for that trick ! You will never find a subject in a prepositional phrase .

Senin, 23 Januari 2012


Definition Of Advertisement :

Advertisement is a communication whose is to inform potential costumers about to generic increased consumetion of those product and throught the creation and reinforcement often contain both factual information and persuasive massage. every major medium is used to deliver these.
Massage, including, television, radio, movies, magazines, newspaper, video games, the internet and billboards. Advertising is often placed by and advertising agency on behalf of a company.

In Short, Adverb
 Information for persuading an motivation people so that it will attract them to the service and the thing that are offered or informed.
Function of Advertisement
a. Promotion
b. Communication
c. Information

* In making an Advertisement keep the following points :
1. Language of Advertisement :
     Using the correct or suitable words
     Using the Interesting and suggestive expression 
     Using positive expression
     Text of Advertisement should be directed to goal

2. Content of Advertisement :      Objective and honest
     Brief and clear
     Not macking to group or other producer
     Attractive Attantion

* Advertisement how 3 meaning :
=) Advertisement is a comerical solicitation designed to sell some commodity, service or similar. Companies try to sell their product using.
=) Advertisement is a public notice the city council placed an advertisement in the local newspaper in informs it residents of the forthcom in road works.
=) Advertisement is refers to all people many advertisement are designed to generate in creased consumption of those products and service through the creation and reinforcement of brand image "N" brand royality.